Friday, 21 January 2022

Deduction in your panel account?

Some members sometimes can find an deduction in their account and wonders why this have happened. Triaba do not have access to our members money in the panel account and we do not have access to your surveys. Only Cint have access to your account and the deduction is made by them. It can be several reasons for the deductio, but the main reasons is listed under.

Negative incentives can occur when someone completed a survey in a manner deemed inappropriate (bad or untruthful). We will not share with you which questions proved to be problematic for our clients. Below are some ways clients define “bad” or “untruthful” responses
  • Survey Speeding

Every survey executed has an estimated time to complete. If you complete a survey in a time frame that does not fall within the range that is acceptable you will not qualify for the survey, receive an incentive and may be terminated from the panel.

  • Inconsistent or Inaccurate Answers

If you provide answers that are not accurate and or inconsistent in any manner whatsoever you will not qualify for the survey, receive an incentive and may be terminated from the panel.

  • Red Herring questions

Clients, at times, will put questions in the survey multiple times or demand that you choose a specific answer to ensure you are being truthful and/or reading the entire survey question. If our client should find that your responses are unacceptable as per the red herring directive you will not qualify for the survey, receive an incentive and may be terminated from the panel.

  • Open End Questions

At times clients will have a section within a survey that requests respondents to fill in their answers by writing them in, rather than selecting an answer from a set of pre-identified responses. If a response in Open Ended question is considered to contain language that is inappropriate, non-sensible, or not fitting for the question you will not qualify for the survey, receive an incentive and may be terminated from the panel.

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