Tuesday, 1 January 2019

The Winners in our December competition - New Years Eve 2018

Here are the winners of 50 Paypal payments of 10 USD, 2 Paypal payments of 100 USD and 1 winner of 300 USD. All payments will be made before February 2019, so do not send emails asking for the payment - we will send it.

Make sure that you have a valid Paypal account before payout! We ask Our winners to post a comment in Our Facebook site when they have got their payment (or in Our blog). Then we all know that you have got Your Money. Only 4 winners did this last time - and we will NOT have any more competitions if the winners do not do this.

If you have unsubscribed from Our panel or you never have been a member, you will be removed from the list over winners. This is a competition for members of Triaba.

Congratulations to Our winners - and a Happy New Year to all of Our members!!