VPN Proxy:
Are you using a VPN Proxy when you answer a survey? Be prepard to be banned from Triaba.
When you use a VPN Proxy you will often get following status on a survey:
- Bad GeoIP
In the last couple of days over 1000 members have been banned from Triaba because of this.
"RelevantID flags a computer each time a user tries to take a survey, so it is able to detect if multiple email accounts are being used to take surveys from a single computer. In addition, RelevantID has the unique ability to identify multiple panel accounts from different research firms on the same computer."
Since we use RelevantID you will often get following status on a survey:
Are you using a VPN Proxy when you answer a survey? Be prepard to be banned from Triaba.
When you use a VPN Proxy you will often get following status on a survey:
- Bad GeoIP
In the last couple of days over 1000 members have been banned from Triaba because of this.
"RelevantID flags a computer each time a user tries to take a survey, so it is able to detect if multiple email accounts are being used to take surveys from a single computer. In addition, RelevantID has the unique ability to identify multiple panel accounts from different research firms on the same computer."
Since we use RelevantID you will often get following status on a survey:
- RelevantID Bad GeoIP
- RelevantID Fraudulent
A lot of members have been removed from Triaba because of this statuses.